Archive: Executable fails after being zipped

Executable fails after being zipped
I have created an installer that wraps an executable and uses an execwait to install the original program. When I originally create the file it works fine, but if I try to zip the executable and extract it, it will fail at the beginning of starting the executable. I have copied most the script below barring most header stuff:

# name of the installer
outFile "clearcanvas64.exe"
ShowInstDetails show
ShowUnInstDetails show
SetCompress off

Section "InstallClearCanvas" SEC01
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "CCWorkstation2.0SP1x64.exe" "Everyone" "FullAccess"
File /a "CCWorkstation2.0SP1x64.exe"
ExecWait '"CCWorkstation2.0SP1x64.exe"' $0
DetailPrint "Exited with: $0"
strcmp $0 "0" continue quit
quit: Quit

Section "AddPlugins" SEC02
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString"
GetFullPathName $0 $0\..
DetailPrint "ClearCanvas is installed at: $0"
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$0" "Everyone" "FullAccess"

SetOutPath "$0"
File "..\ClearCanvas.Desktop.Executable.exe.config"

SetOutPath "$0\plugins"
File /r "..\plugins\*.*"
File "ClearCanvas.Dicom.Codec.Jpeg2000.dll"


Thanks for help

I figured out my problem was that is wasn't setting the outpath for the file and it was ending up in the "default" spot of $INSTALLDIR and execwait was failing to find the file.