Archive: runing a silent installation with file to answer

runing a silent installation with file to answer

please, how can i run my installation in silent mode with a file to answer.


Do you mean log file = some file where installation info is written during the install process??

No, my need is how can I have a silent installation who require a lot of information? and I want it to be able to do that in silent mode.

I should to pass on a path to an answers file. This would be much more comfortable than writing all of the information on the command line.

What must be put in the answer file and how to make the call command?


NSIS does not have an answer file. You need to implement one yourself. Use GetParameters & GetOptions to read command line arguments (they're in the manual).


I found this proposal to answerfile here

"If your installer/uninstaller requires a lot of information and you want it to be able to be silent, you should allow the user to pass on a path to an answers file. This would be much more comfortable than writing all of the information on the command line."


Right but NSIS doesn't handle the answer file for you. That is up to you.


Ahaaaaaa, now I get it.
Stu is right, you have to handle this answer file by yourself.

THX for your answers.