23rd May 2011 20:42 UTC
Write data from VB Textbox to File.txt
I'm using MSVS 2008 Web Developer, and have added a textbox to a page.
Some VB code runs when a visitor clicks a button on the same page, and relevent data is placed in the textbox.
I want to write this data to a text file, which is then installed to the correct location, as directed by the installation .exe
23rd May 2011 20:46 UTC
The Quesiton...
So, my question is how to I get to that data in the textbox?
I thought that I could write to a file in VB, and install the file with the installer.
But I'm not sure that will work. It sounds a little klunky, and i thought that there was probably a slicker way to accomplish this.
24th May 2011 08:26 UTC
What kind of textbox are you talking about? On a webpage? What does that have to do with NSIS installers? o__O
Afrow UK
24th May 2011 09:58 UTC
One way would be to append the data to your installer executable before it is downloaded. http://nsis.sourceforge.net/ReadCustomerData to read it. You can write the file using FileOpen/FileWrite/FileClose.