Archive: Edit Batch file before executing

Edit Batch file before executing
Hello All,

I am having problem in sending values to batch file while running nsis script...
I want to run database script files which i have written in batch file and i want this batch file to be executed with nsis script by seting values of dbuser,dbpswd,dbname in nsis script..Can any one know??

My batch file looks like(abc.bat):=
set /P dbuser=Enter DB user name :
set /P dbpswd=Enter DB password :
set /p dbname=Enter DB Name/SID :

echo Connecting to the Database..
mysql -u%dbuser% -p%dbpswd% %dbname% < 1.1\MySql\1.sql 2>

mysql -u%dbuser% -p%dbpswd% %dbname% < 1.2\MySql\1.sql 2> %temp%\OVMySQLDBInstall3.log


Rather than including the batch file with File and then modifying it afterwards, just generate the batch file using FileOpen/FileWrite/FileClose. You can use variables wherever you require them.

Edit: If you're not installing the batch file, why use one at all? Just call mysql.exe directly using ExecDos (which provides piping to a log file).


Hello Afrow,

my batch file have around 20 script commands and for connection purpose i want to give db name ,dbuser and dbpwd through registry or i have also wriiten a page in installer which asked for the connection parameters(dbuser,dbname,dbpwd) and i want not to repeat these parameters in batch would be better help if u suggest how to pass values in db parameters of batch file from nsis script variable..

I've just explained how to do it.


Your other option is to replace tokens in your batch file with WordReplace.
