Archive: Use variables outside the package ?

Use variables outside the package ?
Hello !

I want to share a package to all my teams, based on variables (using an external file, or other?), the easiest way.
The goal is to enable all IT can change the values ​​in the file without touching the script (for example the fact whether to install this option, etc.).

My script is not important I think. This is generic?

Do you know how I can manage that, once the package generated?
Thank you!


Look up !define and !include.

Edit: what do you mean by package? The built install executable?


You can use the INI instructions:

Or you can use commandline parameters:

Yes, package for me is the built executable. So no !define and !include !?

But if I understand correctly, the commandline or INI instructions are embedded into the executable ?

My need is 1 "executable" + 1 "file" with parameters

You can use the ini instructions to read parameters into your script. How you use those parameters, well that's up to you. An NSIS installer does only what you tell it to do in the nsi script.

For enjoy your kindness, how I can use an .INI instructions to call variables ?
I see no real example !?

Thanks !!

...what does 'calling a variable' mean? If you want to set a variable, simply use the command as shown in the manual: ReadINIStr $YourVariable $EXEDIR\install.ini SectionName EntryName