Archive: Programmatically abort installation

Programmatically abort installation
In my nsis installation at a custom page I have a point when a user has to reboot. I would like to abort installation at this point. How do I?

I can only see the option to skip custom page (Abort command), but this is not what I need.



(Note: The fact that you want to reboot suggests that you're making changes to the user's system on your custom page. This would be a bad thing. Until the user clicks 'Install' on the last page before INSTFILES, you shouldn't be making changes to the system. So you should install stuff on the INSTFILES page (using the Sections), not on other pages.)

Thanks, MSG, in my case this is third-party installation, which is run as a part of mine, and after it a user has to reboot otherwise further installation would fail.

Thanks, Afrow UK - I tried to look for Exit, Halt and other words. Quit works.
Unfortunately, when googling for canceling installation, only user canceling can be found (with .onInstAborted handler or something like this).

It's all in the manual: (under Flow Control instructions)