Archive: Prerequisites page? [With mockup]

Prerequisites page? [With mockup]
Hi everyone,

I'm creating a setup for an application that requires multiple prerequisites. I've seen several samples in which the installer checks for a prerequisite, but in the samples I saw, it is either a simple messagebox or installation abort in case of missing prerequisite.

I am hoping to do something like described in the mockup above:

The user can see what prerequisites he has, he can be directed to install them via a link and he can use the refresh button to verify the state of the prerequisites after an installation and after all the prerequisites are ready, the "Refresh" buttons turns to regular "Next" button (or "Next" is always there but disabled until a certain point).

Is there any page like that I can use? If not, how hard would be to write one that behaves that way?

I'm open to other suggestions too, anyone has a better idea on how I can do it with regular Modern UI pages?


!include nsDialogs.nsh
page custom ChkPrqCreate ChkPrqLeave

!define PRQCOUNT 2
Var Prq1
Var Prq2

Function ChkPrqHelper

StrCpy $0 0

${NSD_UnCheck} $Prq1
${If} ${FileExists} "$temp\foo.txt"
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
${NSD_Check} $Prq1

${NSD_UnCheck} $Prq2
${If} ${FileExists} "$temp\foo2.txt"
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
${NSD_Check} $Prq2

GetDlgItem $1 $hwndparent 1
${NSD_SetText} $1 "$(^NextBtn)"
${If} $0 < ${PRQCOUNT}
${NSD_SetText} $1 "&Refresh"

Function ChkPrqLeave
${If} $0 < ${PRQCOUNT}
call ChkPrqHelper

Function ChkPrqCreate
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $0

${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 13u 100% 13u "Thing #1 ($temp\foo.txt)"
Pop $Prq1
EnableWindow $Prq1 0

${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 30u 100% 13u "Thing #2 ($temp\foo2.txt)"
Pop $Prq2
EnableWindow $Prq2 0

Call ChkPrqHelper

Anders's script is fine but there should be some more components like Links.
But I am curious: what software you use to create such design?

Anders' script helped me a lot. I'm rewriting it now to include links and bitmaps instead of checkboxes. I will post the result once I am done.

But I am curious: what software you use to create such design?
I've used Balsamiq Mockups. It is really awesome for the task.

Here is a solution what for I needed with images and clickable link. Hope it helps to someone:

Function .onInit

File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\x.gif "C:\Graphics\x.gif"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\y.gif "C:\Graphics\y.gif"


!define PRQCOUNT 2
Var Prq1
Var Prq1Image
Var Prq2
Var Prq2Image

Function ChkPrqHelper
StrCpy $0 0

${NSD_UnCheck} $Prq1
${If} ${FileExists} "$temp\foo.txt"
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
${NSD_SetImageOLE} $Prq1 $PLUGINSDIR\y.gif $Prq1Image
${NSD_SetImageOLE} $Prq1 $PLUGINSDIR\x.gif $Prq1Image

${NSD_UnCheck} $Prq2
${If} ${FileExists} "$temp\foo2.txt"
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
${NSD_SetImageOLE} $Prq2 $PLUGINSDIR\y.gif $Prq2Image
${NSD_SetImageOLE} $Prq2 $PLUGINSDIR\x.gif $Prq2Image

GetDlgItem $1 $hwndparent 1
${NSD_SetText} $1 "$(^NextBtn)"
${If} $0 < ${PRQCOUNT}
${NSD_SetText} $1 "&Refresh"

Function ChkPrqLeave

${NSD_FreeImageOLE} $Prq1Image
${NSD_FreeImageOLE} $Prq2Image

${If} $0 < ${PRQCOUNT}
call ChkPrqHelper

!define CreatePrq "!insertmacro CreatePrq"

!macro CreatePrq Top Text LinkText LinkClickHandler PrqBitmap

; Bitmap top
StrCpy $1 ${Top}
IntOp $1 $1 + 1

${NSD_CreateBitmap} 0u $1u 100% 100% ""
Pop ${PrqBitmap}

${NSD_CreateLabel} 15u ${Top} 100% 10u "${Text}"
Pop $0

; LinkText Top
StrCpy $1 ${Top}
IntOp $1 $1 + 10

${NSD_CreateLink} 15u $1u 100% 10u "${LinkText}"
Pop $0
${NSD_OnClick} $0 ${LinkClickHandler}


Function OnPrq1LinkClick

Pop $0 ; don't forget to pop HWND of the stack
ExecShell "open" ""


Function OnPrq2LinkClick

Pop $0 ; don't forget to pop HWND of the stack
ExecShell "open" ""


Function ChkPrqCreate
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $0

${If} $0 == error

${CreatePrq} 15u "Thing #1 ($temp\foo.txt)" "Bla Install it from here." OnPrq1LinkClick $Prq1
${CreatePrq} 45u "Thing #1 ($temp\foo.txt)" "Bla Install it from here." OnPrq2LinkClick $Prq2

Call ChkPrqHelper


I made such dialog, based on your code. Thank you very much that you share it. Additionaly I want to skip this dialog completely if all prerequisites are ok. In that case there is no useful information for the user. So I changed the code a little bit like this:
${If} $0 < ${PRQCOUNT}
${NSD_SetText} $1 "&Refresh"

Now this dialog is skipped and on a first look everything seems to be ok, but if I go back from the next dialog, the installer crashes. Why it is so? What is the correct way to reach my goal?

You need to call Abort before nsDialogs::Create or anything else.
