Help move is happening before install completes
I am installing apache and I want to move everything in the apache folder to my folder. The install seems to still be running when it goes to my next section which is movefolder. When the install completes and I rerun the install it moves the folders.
My question is there a timer or delay I can put in so the install completes fully. I currently have
Section "Apache" SEC01
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\AmegaWeb2"
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Are you sure you want to install Apache Web Server and PHP" /SD IDYES IDNO endApachePHP
ExecWait '"msiexec" /I "P:\apache\httpd-2.2.17-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o.msi" /quiet ALLUSERS=1 SERVERADMIN=admin@localhost SERVERNAME=localhost SERVERDOMAIN=localhost SERVERPORT=80'
ExecWait '"msiexec" /i "P:\php\php-5.3.6-nts-Win32-VC9-x86.msi" /q INSTALLDIR=c:\PHP2 ADDLOCAL=cgi,ext_php_mysqli'
Section "Copy" SEC02
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Are you sure you want to copy files" /SD IDYES IDNO endcopy
StrCpy $switch_overwrite 0
!insertmacro MoveFolder "$PROGRAMFILES\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\" "$PROGRAMFILES\AmegaWeb2\" "*.*"