Archive: NSIS newb - using sdbinst and exec, UAC problem, maybe?

NSIS newb - using sdbinst and exec, UAC problem, maybe?
I am modifying a fairly basic NSIS installer for our company software. It's legacy, and requires the use of Microsoft Compatability Toolkit shims to disable things like DWM until we can get it fixed.

I have tested the installers and the shim works when installed manually, but it needs to be installed in a shell run as administrator. How can I tell the NSIS installer to run just one line as Administrator? Everything else seems to install onto Vista/Win7 fine, just this one item is giving a headache.

RequestExecutionLevel admin.

You should also check the user is an administrator in .onInit using the UserInfo plug-in (search the forum).


Wow, not nearly as convoluted as I was expecting.... Now to test on a non-VM. Ta:)