Archive: Problem creating a droplist

Problem creating a droplist
I am trying to create a drop list. This is the code I have:

Var TimeDialog
Var TimeZoneDropList

; Pages
Page components
Page directory
Page custom TimePage TimePageLeave "- Schedule Options"
Page instfiles

Function TimePage
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $TimeDialog
${If} $TimeDialog == error

${NSD_CreateDropList} 5u 28u 90% 12u
Pop $TimeZoneDropList

SendMessage $TimeZoneDropList ${CB_ADDSTRING} 0 "STR:US/Alaska"
${NSD_CB_AddString} $TimeZoneDropList "US/Arizona"
Everything compiles ok, but when I run it, The drop list does not show up.

Are you sure that compiles? All NSD_Create* macros expect 5 arguments not 4.


Yes, it does compile like that. I just changed

${NSD_CreateDropList} 5u 28u 90% 12u

${NSD_CreateDropList} 5u 28u 90% 12u ""

and now I have a drop list, but it is empty.

Use NSD_CB_AddString to add items. Use NSD_CB_SelectString to make a selection.


I am. I am doing:

${NSD_CB_AddString} $TimeZoneDropList "US/Arizona"

Nothing shows up.

Please post your code.


Here is my code:

Var TimeDialog
Var TimeZoneDropList

; Pages
Page components
Page directory
Page custom TimePage TimePageLeave "- Schedule Options"
Page instfiles

Function TimePage
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $TimeDialog
${If} $TimeDialog == error

${NSD_CreateDropList} 5u 28u 90% 12u ""
Pop $TimeZoneDropList
${NSD_CB_AddString} $TimeZoneDropList "US/Arizona"

The height needs to be more than 12u as it is the height of the entire control including the drop down list (I don't think this applies to Vista/7 though).


It does apply to Windows 7 because I am using Windows 7. Once I changed the height, everything worked. Did I miss something in the documentation because I didn't see anything about this when I was looking stuff up. Thanks!

So now I have this as my page leave function:

Function TimePageLeave
Var /GLOBAL TimeZone

${NSD_CB_SelectString} $TimeZoneDropList $TimeZone
MessageBox MB_OK "$TimeZone"

However, when the messagebox pops up, nothing is displayed even when I am selecting something in my drop list.

i think you must use NSD_GetText instead

Yes. NSD_GetText worked. When is NSD_CB_SelectString used?

To select an item in the drop down list.
