Archive: New user question

New user question
Hi Forum :)
I'm a NSIS new user, I would like to create a script to:

- show a license agreement dialog
- show "select destination folder" dialog
- install 4 files "external.dll","depot.exe",""Package.pak" ,"help.dhm"
- create a folder under Programs Files folder named "FreeDepot"
with inside "depot.exe" shortcut,"help.chm" shortcut,
- with possibility to uninstall this software deleting all files/folder references

I tried to crete it some times without success :( , maybe I'm too much stupid

someone can help me please maybe with a sample?

Many tnx in advance for any info or help

P.S. Sorry for my english :(


To learn NSIS, start by looking at NSIS\Examples\Example1.nsi and Example2.nsi. Figure out what every command does and WHY. You can use the command reference for that:

Once you've done that, you may want to move on to look at the MUI2 readme and/or examples, and probably the LogicLib examples. With that, you'll be well underway to doing a lot of cool stuff in NSIS.

Hi, :)

thank you a lot, I found the solution reading the example2.nsi file,
only this:
it's possible change the setup icon? How? I read the manual but using ICON not work, maybe I read wrong the instruction, my english it's terrible :(

Thank you again

The installer's icon is set by the Icon command. Note that this is a compiletime command, so the path\icon.ico parameter needs to point to something on YOUR machine. $INSTDIR etc don't work at compiletime.

If you use ModernUI (MUI2), you'll need to use the MUI2 command instead: (click 'expand all', then search for 'icon').