Archive: Locked Folders

Locked Folders
The code below works correctly until the very end when it calls the macro to delete the c:\tempunzip folder that it created to unzip the files to.

If I try to delete the folder manually whilst the installer is still open it says it is locked so the NSIS installer is obviously holding it. I know I can set the /reboot flag for rmdir but it is not convenient for this instance.

Can anyone see any reason in the code below why the c:\tempunzip folder would be locked? Is it the 7zip process?

ShowInstDetails show
!include 'nsdialogs.nsh'
!include 'nsdialogs_setimageole.nsh'
!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!include "Locate.nsh"
!include "Sections.nsh"
!include "CharStrip.nsh"
!insertmacro Locate

Var Text
Var Text2
Var Text3
Var PathForInstallLabel
Var PathForInstallFileRequest
Var PathForInstallGroupBox
Var PathForInstallFileBrowse
Var PathForInstallFileRequestState

Function .onInit
File logo.jpg
File 7za.exe

Page Custom CustomPre

Page instfiles
Function CustomPre
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $R0

${If} $Dialog == error

${NSD_CreateBitmap} 280 10 100 100 ""
Pop $0

; You should make sure the resource - local or http - is valid!
${NSD_SetImageOLE} $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\logo.jpg" $1

${NSD_CreateLabel} 10 10 300 100 "Welcome To the program"
Pop $Text
CreateFont $0 "Arial Bold" 12
SendMessage $Text ${WM_SETFONT} $0 1

${NSD_CreateLabel} 10 35 300 20 "Select a zip file and press next"
Pop $Text2
${NSD_CreateLabel} 10 50 300 20 "It will then be processed"
Pop $Text3

; Create Controls
${NSD_CreateGroupBox} 0 0 100% 100% ""
Pop $PathForInstallGroupBox

${NSD_CreateLabel} 16 170 280 24 "Please select the install file, and click next to continue"
Pop $PathForInstallLabel

${NSD_CreateFileRequest} 10u 86u 245u 12u $PathForInstallFileRequestState
Pop $PathForInstallFileRequest

${NSD_CreateBrowseButton} 358 166 25 22 "..."
Pop $PathForInstallFileBrowse
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnBrowseForFile
nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $PathForInstallFileBrowse $0

${NSD_FreeImageOLE} $1 ; Free the image once we're done with it!

Function OnBrowseForFile
nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog /NOUNLOAD "open" "" "All files (*.*)|*.*"
Pop $0
StrCpy $PathForInstallFileRequestState $0
${NSD_SetText} $PathForInstallFileRequest $PathForInstallFileRequestState

!macro unzip
CreateDirectory "c:\tempunzip"
nsexec::exectolog '"$EXEDIR\7za.exe" x "$0" -y -o"c:\tempunzip"'
${Locate} "C:\tempunzip" "/M=.DS_Store" "LocateCallback"
${locate} "C:\tempunzip" "/L=D /M=__MACOSX" "LocateCallbackFolder"

!macro zip
${StrStrip} ".zip" "$0" $R0
nsexec::exectolog '"$EXEDIR\7za.exe" a -r "$" "c:\tempunzip\*.*"'

!macro delete
SetOutpath $TEMP
RMdir /r "c:\tempunzip"

Function LocateCallback
Delete $R9
Push $0

Function LocateCallbackFolder
RMDir /r $R9
Push $0

!insertmacro unzip
!insertmacro zip
!insertmacro delete

If the 7za process has already quit (verify this by inserting a messagebox or pause), it cannot be holding the folder anymore. I'd guess the nsexec plugin has a hold on it. Try inserting a dummy nsexec command?

I'm surprised that this works. You are extracting 7za.exe to $PlugInsDir, but calling it in $ExeDir (which is the installer's folder, not the same location you extracted it to).

I don't see why the temp folder doesn't get removed, you are correctly changing the current working directory to 'unlock' it (SetOutPath $Temp).

It works because 7za is in the exe dir as well. I have changed the code so it runs from the Plugindir instead now :)

Using process explorer I can see that my exe file is hanging onto the c:\tempunzip folder and all of the (Now empty) subfolders inside of it.

Can you give an example of a dummy NSexec command?

No idea... Something that uses a different directory. Like, listing the contents of a zip file that's stored in $instdir for example?

Ive put this macro in to try and unlock the folder but its still not making any difference

!macro unlock
nsExec::exectolog '"$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe" l "$EXEDIR\"'

Looking at what it leaves behind, it seems the rmdir /r command deletes all files from all of the subfolders and does delete some of the subfolders themselves. For some reason the same four subfolders remain.

Very strange

As a quick fix I have included unlocker.exe from and then run a command line to unlock the folder

It then lets me delete it. I know this isn't fixing the issue but working around it, but at least it works now :)

Thanks for everybodys input

Either way you should stop using c:\tempunzip as a temp folder. Use $PLUGINSDIR instead.

Thanks MSG, your suggestion of using the PLUGINSDIR to unzip to has worked for me. Thanks for all your help!