Archive: Reuse nsDialogs Page in Uninstaller

Reuse nsDialogs Page in Uninstaller
Hi all,

i need to reuse a custom nsDialogs page in an Uninstaller, just including it with "Unpage custom..." will lead to the "must start with un." error.

I have found the "Sharing functions between Installer and Uninstaller" wiki entry, but before i start adapting that rather large dialog i though i ask if this would be the right way, or if there are other methods for dialogs...


I wonder why people keep asking this question... I can only see one advantage of sharing a function, and that's that you don't need to make changes in two code areas. But you can do that extremely simple by just putting the function contents in a macro.

function yourpage
!insertmacro yourpagemacro

function un.yourpage
!insertmacro yourpagemacro