Archive: Splash screen in silent mode

Splash screen in silent mode
Hi all,

I've faced with strange behavior. I'm trying to run NSIS installer in silent mode, but at the start of installation process i see the splash message box with "please wait while setup is loading" text in it. How can I remove this splash to make installer execute totally silently?

Thanks a lot in advance.

I am not sure about it because this box is hard coded, but guick idea:
in .onInit of .onGUIInit try to FindWindow and simply hide it with SendMessage

Use IfSilent to skip the code that shows the splash screen...

Function .onInit
IfSilent SkipSplashScreen
;Put the code to display splash screen here

I thought Eugene234 was referring to the CRC check message. If that is what he is seeing, then he cannot hide it in .onInit because the nsi script has not started executing yet. It can be disabled from the command line with /NCRC or a script command CRCCheck off

I see. Didn't know that silent installers will still show a banner while running the CRC check.

However disabling the CRC check probably is not a very good idea...

Thank you for replies..

So it seems this splash screen occurs during some initial checks (such as CRS)...
Unfortunately I'm not able to hide it with /NCRC command line option. Are there any other ways to hide it? Do you know in which version of NSIS this feature was introduced?

You could try deleting the dialog resource from the UI using Resource Hacker. The UIs are in Contrib\UIs.


Originally posted by Afrow UK
You could try deleting the dialog resource from the UI using Resource Hacker. The UIs are in Contrib\UIs.

This may crash the installer!
What about resizing dialog to 1x1 pixel? = almost invisible :)