Archive: The word "Setup" is not translated into Japanese

The word "Setup" is not translated into Japanese

I am using a gradient background:

BGGradient on
BGGradient 000000 3366CC FFFFFF

In the upper left corner 2 words are displayed: Installer Name and the word "Setup".
When I run installer in Japanese with computer locale set to Japanese the word "Setup" is shown as: "fZfbgfAfbfv". This is also the case when Installer runs on Japanese Windows.

In C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Contrib\Language files\Japanese.nlf I found this:
# ^SetupCaption
$(^Name) セットアップ

Looks Japanese to me.
Why doesn't it show up properly on the gradient background?


If you compile your installer without the gradient, does that solve the problem? (I would think your problem should lie elsewhere, so I'm guessing no.)

Much simpler test:
If I use a "Caption" command and Japanese string(as a variable) I am still getting a garbage characters on the gradient background.

Maybe a ANSI -vs- Unicode problem?