Archive: having trouble with NSD_OnNotify with ListBox

having trouble with NSD_OnNotify with ListBox
I'm trying to respond to clicks on a listbox. Here's the setup:

nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $ListBoxPage
${NSD_CreateListBox} 0 20 100% 80% "Backup folders"
Pop $ListBox
Call PopulateListBox
${NSD_OnNotify} $ListBox ListClicked

The list box is getting populated, but ListClicked is never getting called.

What am I missing?

Not every notification works for every control. OnNotify hooks WM_NOTIFY and a listbox does not use that message IIRC

Thanks, Anders, for your reply.

Yes, indeed, listboxes neither generate nor receive WM_NOTIFY messages for selection changes. I had been encouraged by another thread ( mentioning LBS_NOTIFY, but that poster was looking for OnChange notifications.

The MSDN dox say that the list box's *parent* ($ListBoxPage in my example) receives selection change notifications and I've verified with Spy++ that, in fact, this notification is in the form of a WM_COMMAND message with a wNotifyCode (HIWORD of wParam) of LBN_SELCHANGE.

So it looks like I need to subclass $ListBoxPage. I've found WndSubclass - (yours, Anders?), which looks like it might do the trick. If so, I'll post the results. If not, I'll probably ask for more help...

Thanks to WndSubclass, here's a working example :

Page custom ListBoxDialogPage
OutFile ListBoxTest.exe

Section "Empty section"

!include LogicLib.nsh
!include NsDialogs.nsh
!include WinMessages.nsh
!include WndSubclass.nsh

var ListBox
var ListBoxPage

!define __NSD_ListBoxMulti_CLASS LISTBOX

!insertmacro __NSD_DefineControl ListBoxMulti

Function PopulateListBox
SendMessage $ListBox ${LB_ADDSTRING} 0 "STR:Abel"
SendMessage $ListBox ${LB_ADDSTRING} 0 "STR:Baker"
SendMessage $ListBox ${LB_ADDSTRING} 0 "STR:Charlie"

Function ListClicked
SendMessage $ListBox ${LB_GETCURSEL} 0 0 $0
MessageBox MB_OK "Cursel: $0"

Var CommandCaptureVar


Function CommandCapture
${If} $2 = ${WM_COMMAND}
Var /Global HiWord
IntOp $HiWord $3 >> 16
IntOp $HiWord $HiWord & 0xff
${If} $HiWord = ${LBN_SELCHANGE}
Call ListClicked

Function ListBoxDialogPage
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $ListBoxPage
${NSD_CreateListBoxMulti} 0 20 100% 80% ""
Pop $ListBox
Call PopulateListBox
${WndSubclass_Subclass} $ListBoxPage CommandCapture $CommandCaptureVar $CommandCaptureVar