Archive: Multilingual installation: Version number in caption

Multilingual installation: Version number in caption

I want to add a version number to my installation caption, but leave the name without the version number in all other places.

makensis does it the following way:

Name "NSIS"
Caption "NSIS ${VERSION} Setup"

This works only for an English-only installation.

I tried to do the following:
!searchreplace "ASDF_${LANGLOAD}" "$(^SetupCaption)" "$(^Name)" "$(^Name) v${VERSION}"
LangString "^SetupCaption" "${LANG_${LANG_LOADING}}" "${ASDF_${LANGLOAD}}"

Where "${LANGLOAD}" is every loaded language. It does not work.

Any suggestions? Another option I see is editing .nlf files, but this is quite an ugly solution.

Use another language string for the caption?


Well, I can do a LangString for every supported language, but I think the method sucks.
What if, e.g., a new version of NSIS is released with a better translation for some language?

I don't want to copy the strings from nsis .nlf files to my installation script, I just want to append a version number to ^Name in ^SetupCaption.

There is no way to do this. You have to either just put the version in Name or create your own LangString.


Can't you get the contents of "$(^SetupCaption)" somehow?
There's also this trick I saw (I think you are the author of it):

Which might get the job done, but is ugly as well.
Seems like the easiest way here is to modify the .nlf files.

The easy solution is of course to put the version number in "Name", if you don't want to do that you can use this ugly workaround:

outfile test.exe

requestexecutionlevel user

Name "Test"
>!define VERSION 1.2.3

>!macro CreateSetupCaptionLangstring lang prefix suffix
>!tempfile tnsi
>!appendfile "${tnsi}" 'outfile "${tnsi}.exe"$\nrequestexecutionlevel user$\nLoadLanguageFile "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language files\${lang}.nlf"$\n'
>!appendfile "${tnsi}" 'section$\nFileOpen $0 "${tnsi}.nsh" w$\n'
>!appendfile "${tnsi}" 'FileWrite $0 `!define SetupCaption "$(^SetupCaption)"`$\nsectionend$\nName "xxx"$\n'
>!system '"${NSISDIR}\makensis" "${tnsi}"' = 0
>!delfile "${tnsi}"
>!system '"${tnsi}.exe" /S' = 0
>!delfile "${tnsi}.exe"
>!include "${tnsi}.nsh"
>!delfile "${tnsi}.nsh"
>!undef tnsi
>!searchreplace SetupCaption "${SetupCaption}" "xxx " "${prefix}"
>!ifndef LANG_${lang}
LoadLanguageFile "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language files\${lang}.nlf"
>LangString "^SetupCaption" ${LANG_${lang}} "${SetupCaption}${suffix}"
>!undef SetupCaption
>!macro LOAD_MUILANGUAGE_AND_SETUPCAPTION lang prefix suffix
>!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "${lang}"
>!insertmacro CreateSetupCaptionLangstring "${lang}" "$(^Name) v${VERSION} " ""

>!include "MUI2.nsh"
>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES

>!insertmacro LOAD_MUILANGUAGE_AND_SETUPCAPTION "English" "$(^Name) v${VERSION} " ""
>!insertmacro LOAD_MUILANGUAGE_AND_SETUPCAPTION "Swedish" "$(^Name) v${VERSION} " ""
>!insertmacro LOAD_MUILANGUAGE_AND_SETUPCAPTION "Norwegian" "$(^Name) v${VERSION} " ""

>Function .onInit
