Archive: Location to be readable and writable by all users

Location to be readable and writable by all users

I am searching for a location on the local system (Windows XP, Vista, 7,...), which is readable and writable for all users. Background on this question: I am writing a parameter transfer file for a Java-based application during the install process. When the Java application is being started later, it reads the parameters from this file and deletes it to avoid confusion to the user fining the file later, if it would not be deleted.

Usually someone would choose %WINDIR%\Temp for such operations, however only the CREATOR OWNER can delete the files later, other users are just allowed to read it on Windows OS. Any idea how to solve it?

Currently I just see the system root (like C:\) as the only option for what I am trying to accomplish.

Do not use the system root, EVER.

You can use all users appdata for this. The creator owner problem might still exist, but at least there it's entirely safe to use the AccessControl plugin to give BU\Users full access.


we used the System's temporary location now together with the Access Control plugin to make it read/writable for all users. Thanks for the hint!