Archive: !insertmacro call declared problem

!insertmacro call declared problem
I write macros:
!macro DllRename DllName

When i call:
!insertmacro DllRename "$INSTDIR\Shell_1.dll"
!insertmacro DllRename "$INSTDIR\Shell_1.dll"

Error: label "EndRename:" already declared in section

If you insert the macro twice, the EndRename label is also created twice. This is not allowed in NSIS, labels must be unique.

Use this:
!macro DllRename DllName
!define _LPrefix ${__LINE__}
goto ${_LPrefix}EndRename

!undef _LPrefix

not understand please show an example

!macro ShowMessage Message
!define _LPrefix ${__LINE__}
MessageBox MB_OK "11"
goto ${_LPrefix}EndRename
MessageBox MB_OK "222"
!undef _LPrefix

!insertmacro: ShowMessage
!define: "_LPrefix"="385.1"
Error: Goto targets cannot begin with 0-9, $, !
Usage: Goto label

Oops, my bad, use this:

!define _LPrefix L${__LINE__}

I write function Rename and Call
!insertmacro DeleteFiles

Push ${B1_PlUGIN_2}
Call DeleteFile

Push ${B1_PlUGIN_1}
Call DeleteFile

oy, this works.