Archive: script compiles different when I add a folder

script compiles different when I add a folder
Hello all,

I am trying to create an exe file from an nsi script. But the script changes its behaviour if I put a folder named "aley" with the same directory as the nsi script. If I put "aley" it descends to a folder in aley and if I remove the folder it compiles perfectly.

My part of the nsi script is this:
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\etc"
File /r etc\config
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File /r plugins

If I put "aley" folder to the same directory with the nsi scripts, the log shows this:

File: Descending to: "etc\config\nagios\"
File: "commands.cfg" 3783 bytes
File: "contacts.cfg" 2221 bytes
File: "hostgroups.cfg" 136 bytes
File: "localhost.cfg" 7292 bytes
File: "templates.cfg" 11293 bytes
File: "timeperiods.cfg" 3209 bytes
File: Returning to: "etc"
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR"
File: Descending to: ".\aley\perl5\5.10\CPANPLUS\Shell\Default\Plugins\"
File: "" 5960 bytes
File: "HOWTO.pod" 3890 bytes
File: "" 4738 bytes
File: "" 2619 bytes
File: Descending to: ".\aley\perl5\vendor_perl\5.10\Data\Compare\Plugins\"

normally there it should not descend to "aley" directory
and when I remove aley directory, without any change in the script, I recompile the script and the same log becomes:

File: Descending to: "etc\config\nagios\"
File: "commands.cfg" 3783 bytes
File: "contacts.cfg" 2221 bytes
File: "hostgroups.cfg" 136 bytes
File: "localhost.cfg" 7292 bytes
File: "templates.cfg" 11293 bytes
File: "timeperiods.cfg" 3209 bytes
File: Returning to: "etc"
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR"
File: Descending to: ".\plugins\"
File: "check_apt.exe" 315297 bytes
File: "check_breeze" 2245 bytes

What should be the reason?

Thanks a lot

File /r "plugins\" (The docs document the difference between multiple and a single path segments)

Thanks a lot for your help. It is working perfect now. I posted here before the IRC.