Archive: Problem while checking on the user's computer if SharePoint is installed or not

Problem while checking on the user's computer if SharePoint is installed or not

I wanted to check whether SharePoint is installed on User's machine or not. For this I have used following lines of code in NSIS :
--> readRegStr $0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\14.0" "Version"
--> MessageBox MB_OK $0

But $0 returns me blank even the SharePoint is installed on my machine. If I checked the installation of other softwares then it returns some string.

Am I doing something wrong to check SharePoint installation? Is there any other way to check the same?

Thanks & regards,
Mayur Mahajan

If SharePoint is an x64 application, you need to read from x64 registry.