Archive: Cannot install to network drive

Cannot install to network drive
I have a rather simple installer that copies a bunch of templates for our software suite.

Depending on whether it's a local or network install, the software will be located on the C or T drive. The C being the local disk and the T being a mapped drive to a location on the server.

I am using the GetDrives function to call and list the available drives on the computer and let the user select the proper drive.

However i realized as i was testing that the T drives (even though it is mapped and active) does not appear in my drives dropdown on Windows 7 when UAC is turned on. The user that's logged on the machine is part of the administrator group on the dmoain and while browsing the computer, i can access the T drive and copy files to it.

I thought it was just a restriction of the GetDrives function so i decided to restrict the drive letter choices to C or T. But i just found out that even though the user selects T and proceeds to continue, it dies not install anything. It appears like things are being copied but they are not.

Since a lot of our users aren't computer savy and some rely on computer technicians, they may very well have UAC turned on when using Windows 7.

I tried the UAC plugin and use

UAC_RunElevated and RequestExecutionLevel admin

but nothing appears to work.

Any clues?

I don't think mapped drives survive the UAC elevation (split token), try elevating cmd.exe and check T:\

You could use 'net use' to get the real server path before elevation. Or there's undoubtedly a win32 command for it, probably better.