Archive: IP address drop down in installer page

IP address drop down in installer page

First,I am using nsDialogs dropdown menu to display all IP addresses which are connected to my system.

Next, When user selects one IP I have to populate that IP in the next line in hyperlink.

Below is the code to do in Java

Enumeration<NetworkInterface> networkInterfaceEnum = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
// Initialize the server IP list which contains the all IP addresses connected to my system
serverIPList = new ArrayList<String>() ;

for (; networkInterfaceEnum.hasMoreElements();)
NetworkInterface networkInterface = networkInterfaceEnum.nextElement();
Enumeration<InetAddress> inetEnum = networkInterface.getInetAddresses();
for (; inetEnum.hasMoreElements();)
InetAddress addr = inetEnum.nextElement();

Any suggestions to achieve above in the Installer .nsi file??