Archive: Multiple animated gifs

Multiple animated gifs
I need to place 2 animated gifs on one custom page, allowing the user to select. The gifs relate to animanted cursors, and I want the user to decide which they want installed. So far I have managed to place one animated gif on my page using AnimGif. When I add the second it results in both being displayed at the same location; each one showing alternately for a short while.

Anyone any suggestions how I can do this?

Simply modify sources of AnimGif plug-in [because as far as I know it does not allow you to set gif position]

AnimGif does allow positioning.

My code:

AnimGif::play /NOUNLOAD /HALIGN=60 /VALIGN=52 "$EXEDIR\a.gif"
AnimGif::play /NOUNLOAD /HALIGN=50 /VALIGN=77 "$EXEDIR\b.gif"

HALIGN & VALIGN are horizontal and vertical positions. If I comment out each line in turn, the remaining command generates the desired effect. It just can't deal with two gifs simultaneously using the above code.

I am hoping there is a way to force two entities of AnimGif.

The plug-in does not allow you to have two or more animations by the looks. It only has a single C_Animation instance rather than having an array of them. You would need to modify the plug-in.


Thank you Stu for confirming this. I did wonder if this was the case - thanks for confirming.

Do you know of a method of putting two animated gif or ani file on one page?


Have you tried just using an ani in a static text (label)?

Edit: OK you would still need to have a timer and load each frame using LoadImage.
