Archive: nsExec::Exec not executing on 64 bit machine

nsExec::Exec not executing on 64 bit machine

From with in the script using nsExec::Exec command, I am starting another installer. This works fine when I run on a 32 bit machine but the same when ran on a 64 bit machine, I am not able to see the installation wizard UI. I can see the process running under task manager but the third party installation wizard does not show up.

Below is the command which I am trying to run. It works perfect on 32 bit machine but on 64 bit the installer UI does not show up.

nsExec::Exec '$TempFilesDir\CollabNetSubversion-client-1.6.17-4.win32.exe'

After seeing the process under task manager, I assume that the command is working and starting the executable but I am not able to know what other reason could be there for the UI not to show up if the process is running.

Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Thanks !!

You aren't meant to use nsExec for non console applications. Use Exec or ExecWait instead. Also check the manual on Exec/ExecWait usage (which also applies to nsExec). You should be using double quotes around the executable path. If it still does not work, check you are setting the required working directory. Also check your file path isn't a WOW64 path in which case you should ${DisableX64FSRedirection}.


Thanks for your reply !!

My intension of using nsExec here is that it waits until the executable completes its job and then only control retruns from nsExec command. Using Exec it just starts the executable and control is returned immediately which I do not want to happen.

My point here is... as I see nsExec command is able to start the exectable I can see the process running under task manager but the wizard window does not show up when ran on 64 bit machine.

Any thoughts on this would be helpful.

Originally posted by Afrow UK
You aren't meant to use nsExec for non console applications. Use Exec or ExecWait instead.

Afrow UK, Thank you for pointing me towards the right command. It solved my problem.

I have the same problem. How did you solve it? I can't understand the answer "You aren't meant to use nsExec for non console applications. Use Exec or ExecWait instead."
Can you help me, please? Thank you.