e zi
25th January 2012 15:05 UTC
Read Multiline Text from a file - What am I done wrong?
What I try to do is to read the file content (text < 1KB) contained escape-sequenced string & to display it a message-box.
Anyone has any idea why its not working? (I see the text as-is, & not in 3 lines)
The code:
FileOpen $1 "$INSTDIR\uninstall-warning.txt" r ; open file
FileRead $1 $2 ; we read until the end of line (including carriage return and new line) and save it to $1
FileClose $1 ; and close the file
StrCmp $2 "" +3 0 ; jump +3 if equal (jump 0 if not equal)
MessageBox MB_YESNO $2 IDYES continue
File Content:
IMPORTANT WARNING!$\nBy uninstalling you may be contravening your employer's Acceptable Use Policy.$\nPlease consider carefully whether you have the appropriate authority to take this action.$\n
25th January 2012 17:03 UTC
You're expecting something to replace the three character newline ( $\n ) with a single ANSI newline. Neither FileRead nor MessageBox will do that for you. You can do it with WordReplace though.
!include "WordFunc.nsh"
... open and read the file
StrCpy $R0 $
StrCpy $R0 "$R0\n"
${WordReplace} $2 $R0 $\n + $2
... then call MessageBox
The StrCpy statements are needed to generate the newline search term as three characters instead of a single character. (The WordReplace won't find the single character newline, but it will find the three character newline).
Afrow UK
25th January 2012 17:47 UTC
Or just store the text in the file with actual new-lines.
e zi
26th January 2012 08:30 UTC
It works - Thanks!
Afrow UK,
I checked your idea:
I.e. File Content:
IMPORTANT WARNING!\nBy uninstalling you may be contravening your employer's Acceptable Use Policy.\nPlease consider carefully whether you have the appropriate authority to take this action.\n
Does not work for me.
I wonder,
Is it possible representing multiline-text in the file itself, eliminating the need of WordReplace?
Afrow UK
26th January 2012 11:19 UTC
I don't think you understand. $\n and \n are just ASCII representations of new-lines in NSIS and C respectively which are translated to real new-line characters at compile time. If you want to read new-lines from the text file then actually insert new-line characters (i.e. press the enter key!) You'll then have to read all the lines in a loop and concatenate them in a variable.
e zi
29th January 2012 16:49 UTC
I tried to avoid "read all the lines in a loop and concatenate them in a variable"- I looked for something like readng the whole file (until EOF) into a buffer (< 1024 size) & use the buffer as a null-terminated string (that includes already real CRLFs).
30th January 2012 04:38 UTC
You could call kernel32::ReadFile directly with the system plugin...