Archive: nsisunz::Unzip does not work if destination path is a network share

nsisunz::Unzip does not work if destination path is a network share

I am using nsisunz::Unzip plug-in in my NSIS script to unzip my product files to a specific location while installation. The installer is designed to work as regular and in silent mode. When ran in the regular mode and the destination path is provided via the folder selection window the plug-in works very well. When ran in silent mode and destination path is provided via command line and if the provided path is any network share path then I see the error "Error opening ZIP file". This error does not come up when installer is ran in regular mode and provided destination path is the same network share path via the folder selection window.

Note: I have logic in place to check the provided path is valid or not, before the value is passed to the plug-in as destination path.

Can anyone please let me know what may be going wrong.

Thanks in advance !!

Check the path is correct in silent mode too using a MessageBox (and yes it will show in silent mode).


Afrow UK,

As I had mentioned in my earlier post (Note), I have already logic in place to check the path. Path check is done using DirState macro.

Below is the line of code which is executed in both regular and silent mode. When ran in silent mode and the specified destination path is a network share then only I see the error. If same path is provided while running in regular mode then it works fine.

nsisunz::Unzip "$TempFilesDir\product-${VERSION}.zip" $InstallPath
Pop $0

I am not sure what else could be going wrong. Please guide me

Thanks !!