Archive: Conditions in sections for silent install

Conditions in sections for silent install

In my installer i wan to implement the Conditions in sections for silent installation.
Pls refer the below code.

Section 1
${If} {$Condition}==A
SectionIn RO

In the above code, If i choose Condition B, the section is in selection state in the components page. pls anyone help me..

Thanks in advance...

SectionIn is a compile time instruction. To set at run time, use the SetSectionInInstType to set install types. To make the section read only at run time, use SetSectionFlag with ${SF_RO}. These are all in Sections.nsh.

Edit: SectionIn RO does not unselect the section, it makes it read only. To unselect/select sections at run time use the SelectSection/UnselectSection macros in Sections.nsh.
Edit: And of course you must use the macros before the Sections are executed (so in .onInit for example).


Actually i wan to set the read only mode in sections at compile time only. This can done based on the conditions or parameters are passed by text file. In text file i change the variable name means the sections "Read only" mode will be change.

To set the section flags at compile time, you must you compile time conditionals (!if, !ifdef, !ifndef, etc). You cannot use runtime conditionals (${If}, ${Else}, etc.) at compile time.

Hearty thanks... It's working fine....:)