Archive: Search and replace in files

Search and replace in files
is there a way to search and replace a string in multiple files with a wildcard?

for example i want to replace the string abc with xyz in all *.ini files in a directory and all of its subdirectories

i cant figure out a way to do this...

thx for your help :up:

you can navigate folders with FindFirst and FindNext (see manual) and then use this to check if it's a .ini file. To replace string I have no idea on how to do it. maybe this could be helpful

Originally posted by bennaloz
you can navigate folders with FindFirst and FindNext (see manual) and then use this to check if it's a .ini file.
You don't need to get the extension. You can just do FindFirst $0 $1 $INSTDIR\*.ini . This is also clearly shown in the manual:

As for replacing a string, you could use fileread in a loop or something I guess?

Originally posted by MSG
You can just do FindFirst $0 $1 $INSTDIR\*.ini
ehm... =P you're right I forgot it