Archive: LockedList does not work with basic UI

LockedList does not work with basic UI
When LockedList is used with basic UI it correctly shows locked file list but when I move next it disables all buttons and clears user interface. So I end up with empty window and can't even close it. How to fix it? I don't want to switch to modern UI because I like minimalistic style and I'm writing an updater with only single page (setup progress).

Here's repro code:

RequestExecutionLevel user
SetCompress off
XPStyle on
OutFile "test.exe"
InstallDir "$EXEDIR\inst"
Icon "${NSISDIR}\contrib\graphics\icons\orange-install.ico"

Section "Main Section" SecMain
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"

LockedList::AddFolder $INSTDIR
Pop $R0


File "foo.dll"

As I said in the main topic, you're not using the plug-in correctly.
