Archive: ZipDLL overwrite exisiting files

ZipDLL overwrite exisiting files
Hi guys!

sry if i missed a similar topic....

is it possible to extract zip files and overwrite existing files by means of ZipDLL

best regards

(I'm going to assume that ZipDLL does not overwrite files by default.)

I don't see any info about overwriting files in the ZipDLL readme. So, other than diving into the sourcecode and changing it if necessary, I don't see a way to overwrite files. Try for example the nsis7z plugin.

thanks for the answer but nsis7z plugin only supports .7z files isn't it so?

another way i thought about is to extract the files to a temporary folder and then move to content of the folder..

solved this problem...

i extract the zip files into my temp folder and move the folder my means of the MoveFolder function (btw it has a nice function to overwrite only if the files are newer)

thanks again to MSG for your answer