5th March 2012 14:24 UTC
graphic board drivers version
hi all,
i found some thread discussing connex subjects but none helped me so...
i write an installer and i need to know the version of the graphic board drivers (for example, is it a NVIDIA 280.26, a 275.33) but i don't want to update the drivers. and i can't find this information...
can anyone help me ?
thanks a lot
Afrow UK
5th March 2012 15:38 UTC
You can get the full version from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\DriverVersion (the last 5 digits).
Edit: Checked on XP and 7.
5th March 2012 15:38 UTC
You can get this information via a WMI call:
Use the WMI Header ( to get it.