Archive: Installer seen as virus to Norton and Chrome.

Installer seen as virus to Norton and Chrome.
I have an installer that's almost done, I've been doing hundreds of tests on my vmimages that don't have anti-virus and when i run it on my machine with Avast it runs fine.

Norton sees it as a virus and auto-deletes it. Chrome won't let me download it without "malicious" messages..etc

I'm not sure what i can do to change this so they don't see it as such.

According to Kaspersky sees it as "HEUR:Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Generic" and one other sees "W32/Downloader" but the rest only show "-"
and for Chrome, maybe

Ya I had thought about doing that, but I have to change and update the program so often that it wouldn't matter.

I changed from NSISdl to inetc and only kaspersky complains according to and norton no longer auto-deletes the file upon download.

The best you can do here is to inform your users!

Tell them that FALSE POSITIVES can occur and that this is a FAILURE in the specific a/v software, so only the a/v developer can fix it...

(If only more users reported false positives or dump buggy a/v software, the developers would have take more care)