Archive: Installing a pdf and an exe together

Installing a pdf and an exe together
Hallo again today.
In the posts I have made on this subject I forgot to ask if any member, had attempted to do what I want to do.
I have created an E-Book in the form of a pdf file.
With it I wish to package a listbox which is a tabulated translation of the E-Book.
There is no pdf tool which can deal with such a publication.
There is also no tool which will allow both to be opened from a command line and accessed.
One needs an editor with such a capability and I have found none.
If another member has combined two such file as either:
1. A PDF text and a ListBox.exe or
2. A PDF compiled to an exe together with a ListBox.exe,
then I would like to have contact with that member.
Thanks again and kind regards, patforkin.

This is not an NSIS question, as far as I can judge. You should ask this question in a forum about e-books, for example.