Archive: handling 100s NSIS scripts

handling 100s NSIS scripts
I am using NSIS as an installer for many programs (few 100s).
Updating these files is huge time consumption :)

is there a tool or a software that can update these scripts at bulks or even better that replace placeholders with values from CSV file?
this way I will have one CSV file with all the information, and I can update the changes in the file, run the software/tool and then compile all the scripts using NSIS.

any help will be appreciated :)

You can create a bat file / vbs script / NSIS exe that loops through the nsi files in your project directory and runs makensisw on each of them. You could also make it store the nsi filenames with latest timestamp in a txtfile, and only recompile nsi files that have been updated.

Thank you for reply, I was thinking to ask here first and maybe find some existing tool and avoid write it from scratch :)