Archive: Silent Execwait

Silent Execwait

I am trying to run an installer from withing NSIS installer in silent mode.
the component do not support /S by itself, and have few pages (license, path etc..).

I read about ExecWait /SILENT, and found few more parameters in some examples,
like /SP- and /passive.

1. where can I find all ExecWait's parameters?
2. what will be the best way to run the components silently?


If you are running a third-party installer that does not have a silent mode then there is no way to force it to be silent - that installer is expecting interaction from the user and wouldn't know what you want it to do without that interaction.


@Marshall7a - you're right, I wrote "silent" but meant automated..
but running

ExecWait '"$PLUGINSDIR\local_file3.exe" /SILENT'
running the installer and finish it (like pressing "next", "next"...)
so it is kind of working. (and I dont care the user to see the screens of the component).

@Andres - you mean use that to wrap the component?
