Archive: nsKeyHook plug-in

nsKeyHook plug-in
Wrote this small plug-in so I could validate input of a product key in a client's installer. They've let me release it :). You can handle WM_CHAR for example to only allow alphanumeric input and WM_PASTE to only allow paste of alphanumeric text. You can also handle WM_PASTE to automatically fill all product key fields (e.g. 5 text boxes for a 25 character product key).

Allows handling of WM_CHAR, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP and WM_PASTE through NSIS script. WM_CHAR in particular can be used to validate input by
suppressing or allowing certain keystrokes.
See the example scripts and readme for more information.


Great stuff, thanks for sharing!

Heh, cool job man!

New version. - 12th July 2012
* Fixed crash on XP.