Archive: Silent install question

Silent install question
I already know from the docs that you can do silent install with /S

the problem I have is the installer I'm looking at asks a question of wether you want a standalone/domain server/domain client install, and I need to specify that somehow.

from I gather that any extra options to be passed to the silent installer need to explicitly declared by the person creating the installer and can then be passed on the command line

Is there any way get the installer to output a list of available commandline switches? I've tried passing /?, --help, and --h but all of those get ignored.

Am I missing something? Or is this simply something nsis installers currently lack?

Use GetParameters and GetOptions to handle your own command line switches.


I'm not creating the installer, I'm using an existing installer .exe that the software supplier made to roll out the software to a network.

Documentation of that .exe is lacking, so right now I can't tell if whoever created the installer.exe added any extra options through GetParameters/GetOption

What I want is a way to aks the exe which (if any) switches it supports. That is does the nsis installer support the equivalent of a /?, --help, or -h switch (those seem to be ignored) that lists the available switches voor a particular .exe file?

If not is this a planned feature for some future release?

The available NSIS switches are in the user manual. If the creator of the installer has added additional switches but has not documented them then you are pretty stuck as far as I can see.


Best option is to ask the original creator(s). Or you could try decompiling the nsi script, but... I very much doubt this would make it any easier.