Archive: RegKeys

Hey ;)

I'm working on my first installer and I've got some problems:

1.) When I move my uninstaller from one folder to another it doesn't work! The only possibility I see: $INSTDIR becomes the new path instead of the installation directory. What ever, I want to save the path in an RegKey now, so I added the line


to the installation-section.
I wrote
ReadRegStr $Dir HKCU "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "Dir" "$INSTDIR"
at beginning of the uninstall-section. And that's where the following error is shown:
Section: "Uninstall"
Usage: ReadRegStr $(user_var: output) rootkey subkey entry
Error in script "C:\Users\PC\Desktop\es.nsi" on line 87 -- aborting creation process

This was my first problem, my second one:
Right at the beginning of the installation-section (move the files & stuff) I check the existence of several files. If these files does NOT exist, a windows opens and tells that. The files won't be moved. Fine so far, but the problem is: When I click "OK", the setup jumps to the next page. And this page tells you, that the program has been installed successfully. The question: Is there a way to skip the last page or to cancel the installation by clicking the "OK" button when the message appears?

I hope for answers...

1. Your syntax is wrong! ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKCU "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "Dir"
2. Use the Quit instruction.


thank you. Works fine now!

one more thing: After setting the installation-directory I click on "Install"-button. When I did this the installation starts, and when it's done it says "installation successful" (or something like that).

Is it possible to stop after the installation progress and wait until the user press "NEXT"?


