Archive: FileSeek problem

FileSeek problem
According to the manual if you use FileSeek as so
FileSeek $9 0 END

The file pointer will be pointing to the end of the file. Now I have the following code

FileOpen $9 "start_all.cmd" a
FileSeek $9 0 END
FileWrite $9 "call e-xmi $SlotNameState start$\r$\n"
FileClose $9

I assumed that this will add a line to the file, which is not true. The code is appending to the file, but it is also erasing the provious
"call e-xmi $SlotNameState start
line. so after running it say 4 time I will have the header of the file, six lines of text, and the last call.

any ideas why this is happeneing?


Working fine for me. What version of NSIS? What character encoding is the file using?


Sorry, bad friday. I had forgotten that I'm creating the folder for the file, just had to check if the folder exists
DirState $dir -1 ...
