Archive: Hyperlink in custom page does nothing

Hyperlink in custom page does nothing
I am trying to place a hyperlink in one of my NSIS pages.

My Problem: The hyperlink doesn't open the webpage or even web browser when clicked(nothing happens) and when I hover over the link it doesn't underline.

Am I using the hyperlink incorrectly? Is a hyperlink in a NSIS page meant to underline/highlight when hovered over?

Can you help me get my code to create a functioning hyperlink?

${NSD_CreateLink} 218u 128u 60u 20u "Manual Installation"
Pop $R9
${NSD_OnClick} $R9 onManualInstallClick

Function onManualInstallClick
ExecShell "open" ""

Works for me. Put a MessageBox in the event function to be sure it is not getting fired. Attach a complete script which reproduces the problem.
