Archive: Changing the text of YES No Cancel buttons in "MessageBox MB_YESNOCANCEL"

Changing the text of YES No Cancel buttons in "MessageBox MB_YESNOCANCEL"
Hi All,
Is there a way to change the default button labels in MessageBox MB_YESNOCANCEL ?

I want to change the label to Upgrade Uninstall Cancel


This "MessageBox" functionality is based on Windows localization.
I suppose NSIS uses pure API calls and in such situation buttons will always have text from Windows language pack which cannot be changed at runtime.

E.g. in my case it is: Ano / Nie/ Zrusit (Slovakian Yes / No / Cancel).

Solution #1: write simple C/C++ plug-in (custom window with 3 buttons, label and icon)

Solution #2: try to use nsWindows plug-in to create the same window as in #1.