Archive: Next-Button Problem in MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES

Next-Button Problem in MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
I'm using a customPage after MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES.
The problem is, that for a very short moment before the setup changes from the MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES to my customPage the "Next"-Button shows up and can be clicked.

But if it's clicked on the MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES page, my customPage will be skipped. On slower PC and nervous User this happens very often....

Any idea for this? Is it possible to disable the next button on MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES? Or can i prevent the automatic switch to the next page?


My custom page looks like this:

Function PageCopyProtection

!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "My Title" "Title Descrp"
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\MyCustomINI.ini "Field 6" Text $PLUGINSDIR\AnImage.bmp
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\MyCustomINI.ini "Field 7" State $INSTDIR\readme\AVeryInteresting.pdf

; PathRequest control (1200 + field # - 1)

;Fettschreiben der Texte
Pop $R0 ; HWND of dialog

GetDlgItem $R1 $R0 1202
CreateFont $R2 "Arial" 8 600
SendMessage $R1 ${WM_SETFONT} $R2 0

GetDlgItem $R1 $R0 1203
CreateFont $R2 "Arial" 8 600
SendMessage $R1 ${WM_SETFONT} $R2 0


Have you tried SetAutoClose?

Where do I need to add it?

I placed it in a section ( and now it works.

Thx for your help