Archive: Simple Installer - Just want to provide an option.

Simple Installer - Just want to provide an option.
Hello. I am new and have poured through the docs trying to understand this software. Please help me achieve a simple goal.

I want:
page 1 - Welcome, blah blah
page 2 - Please choose A or B
page 3 - install
If chose A install file A
If chose B install file B

How do I set up this option.

I am this far.

; Install templates for printing.

!define PRODUCT_NAME "Template Installer"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.0"


Name "Template Installer"

; Output executable
OutFile "template_installer.exe"

; Request application privileges
RequestExecutionLevel user


; Pages

Page instfiles


; The stuff to install
Section "" ;No components page, name is not important

; Set context to All Users
SetShellVarContext all

; Set output path to the installation directory.
SetOutPath "$AppData\IDsPlus\Design Files\"

; Files to put
File globals.gdx

SectionEnd ; end the section

This works, it writes the file where I want it. I cannot figure out how to set up an options page.

I have also done this using HM NIS Edit:
; Ini file generated by the HM NIS Edit IO designer.

[Field 1]
Text="Install for direct-to-card printer"

[Field 2]
Text="Install for retransfer printer"

I have no idea how to incorporate this or if I am barking up the wrong tree.

Please help.

Okay, I got it. Boy, this stuff is difficult when foreign. I had come to think, over the past few weeks, this would be insurmountable. I got it. For anybody curious, here was the solution.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file was created by NSISDialogDesigner
Do not edit manually!
<Dialog Name="team_credential_template_installer" Title="Team Credential Template Installer" Subtitle="Install template files for printing credentials.">
<Label Name="Text" Location="23, 15" Size="398, 34" Text="Please choose the correct templates to install based on your printer type." TabIndex="0" />
<RadioButton Name="CR80" Location="19, 98" Size="402, 40" Text="Direct-to-Card***xD;***xA;(Datacard CP80 Plus, EDISecure DCP350, Fargo DTC1000, etc)" TabIndex="1" onClick="fnc_install_CR80" />
<RadioButton Name="OverCR80" Location="19, 52" Size="402, 40" Text="Retransfer***xD;***xA;(EDISecure XID 8300 or similar)" Checked="True" TabIndex="2" onClick="fnc_install_overCR80" />

; ========================================================
; This file was generated by NSISDialogDesigner
; ========================================================

; handle variables
Var hCtl_team_credential_template_installer
Var hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_Text
Var hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_CR80
Var hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_OverCR80

; dialog create function
Function fnc_team_credential_template_installer_Create

; === team_credential_template_installer (type: Dialog) ===
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer
${If} $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer == error
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Team Credential Template Installer" "Install template files for printing credentials."

; === Text (type: Label) ===
${NSD_CreateLabel} 15u 8u 261u 19u "Please choose the correct templates to install based on your printer type."
Pop $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_Text

; === CR80 (type: RadioButton) ===
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 12u 55u 264u 23u "Direct-to-Card$\r$\n(Datacard CP80 Plus, EDISecure DCP350, Fargo DTC1000, etc)"
Pop $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_CR80
${NSD_AddStyle} $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_CR80 ${WS_GROUP}
${NSD_OnClick} $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_CR80 fnc_install_CR80

; === OverCR80 (type: RadioButton) ===
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 12u 29u 264u 23u "Retransfer$\r$\n(EDISecure XID 8300 or similar)"
Pop $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_OverCR80
${NSD_OnClick} $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_OverCR80 fnc_install_overCR80
${NSD_Check} $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer_OverCR80


; dialog show function
Function fnc_team_credential_template_installer_Show
Call fnc_team_credential_template_installer_Create
nsDialogs::Show $hCtl_team_credential_template_installer

and finally, team_credential_template_installer.nsi
; Install templates for printing.

!define PRODUCT_NAME "team Credential Template Installer"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.0"
!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "Midwest Card and ID Solutions"


; Output executable
OutFile "team_credential_template_installer.exe"

; Request application privileges
RequestExecutionLevel user


; MUI 1.67 compatible ------
!include "MUI.nsh"

; includes
!include nsdialogs.nsh
!include "team_credential_template_installer.nsdinc"
!include LogicLib.nsh

; MUI Settings
!define MUI_ICON "MCID_vector_based_logo.ico"

; Welcome page
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
; License page
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE 'license_info.txt'
; Custom Page
Page custom fnc_team_credential_template_installer_Show
; Instfiles page
; Finish page
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

; Language files
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

; Reserve files

; MUI end ------


Var install_CR80
Var install_overCR80

Function fnc_install_CR80
StrCpy $install_CR80 "1"

Function fnc_install_overCR80
StrCpy $install_overCR80 "1"

; The stuff to install
Section "Template Installation"

; default value based on most printers in area
StrCpy $install_overCR80 "1"

; Set context to All Users
SetShellVarContext all

; Set output path to the installation directory for ID Centre.
SetOutPath "$DOCUMENTS\Datacard\ID Software\Projects\TraxPersonnel\"

${if} $install_CR80 == "1"
; MessageBox MB_OK "CR80 $install_CR80"
; Files to put
File /r temp_CR80\TraxPersonnel\*.*
${elseif} $install_overCR80 == "1"
; MessageBox MB_OK "overCR80 $install_overCR80"
; Files to put
File /r temp_overCR80\TraxPersonnel\*.*

; Set output path to the installation directory for ID Designer.
SetOutPath "$AppData\company\IDsPlus\Design Files\"

; Files to put
File /r temp\*.*

SectionEnd ; end the section

If you're using nsDialogs anyway, you should use MUI2 instead of MUI. You can then also remove the MUI_RESERVEFILE_INSTALLOPTIONS macro.

Yes just for clarity MUI2 uses nsDialogs instead of InstallOptions for its welcome and finish pages. Your new dialog is built using nsDialogs and therefore you are adding additional overhead by using MUI1 (InstallOptions). Change !include MUI.nsh to !include MUI2.nsh and remove !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_INSTALLOPTIONS.
