Long path- and filenames - RMDir /r does not work
Hello all
I build an installer for unzip a bunch of files. So a complete directory of Virgo (a Tomcat with OSGi support) comes with the installation.
The uninstaller works fine (RMDir /r) if I did not started the Virgo server.
If I made a Virgo run, the uninstaller (RMDir /r) can't remove the "work" directory of them. It also sucks with the /REBOOTOK flag. After reboot the folder still survives. I'm sure: after reboot does nobody hold a lock on this folder.
If I use cmd32 and remdir /S/Q (after reboot) it prints a "these dir is not emtpy". After entering a 2nd or 2rd time, the folder will deleted.
In the work folder are a lot of subdirectories and long file- and pathnames. I guess that causes the malfunction of RMDir /r.
Is there an other way to delete all?
Thank you ahead a lot :)