Archive: Image in installer background and inetc

Image in installer background and inetc

I am trying to upgrade my installer by using the "Image in installer window background":

I've encountered a problem with using it with the inetc plugin - I'm using the inetc plugin to download files in MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES.
For some reason the inetc progress bar is not showing. Once I'm disabling the "create bitmap control" - the progress bar is back to normal:

System::Call `user32::CreateWindowEx(i 0, t "STATIC", t "", i ${SS_BITMAP}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_VISIBLE}, i 0, i 0, i R1, i R2, i $HWNDPARENT, i ${IDC_BITMAP}, i R3, i 0) i.R1` 
I've tried sending different flags but to no avail.
I also tried to create the bitmap control in the ui exe - same result.

Any help will be appreciated!


Inetc plug-in creates it's own dialog which hides almost whole dialog area in NSIS window. Imagine it as new layer which is above all other windows - top most window.
You may try to modify Inetc plug-in - probably the best is to create some bitmap control in Inet dialog which will be under progress bar and static texts.

Thanks for the reply.

I already started playing around with the inetc.

So far I found that if I disable this if - I can see the inetc progress bar, but with a gray background.


unsigned int wstyle = GetWindowLong(childwnd, GWL_STYLE);
SetWindowLong(childwnd, GWL_STYLE, wstyle);
I'm now trying to see if I can make the background transparent.
However, I hope removing this if won't cause other issues.

If anyone has a better idea / way - it will be great.
