Archive: MakeNSISW - Compile Error: See Log for Details

MakeNSISW - Compile Error: See Log for Details
MessageBox: 16: ".NET runtime library is not installed. Please install .NET runtime first. After .NET runtime installing, please run installer again to finish installation."
Abort: ""
ReadRegStr $DN3Dir HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot
StrCpy $DN3Dir "$DN3Dir\v3.5\csc.exe" () ()
IfFileExists: "$DN3Dir" ? NewDotNET :
Goto: NewerRequest
MessageBox: 16: ".NET runtime library v3.5 sp1 or newer is required. Please install it first. After installing, please run installer again to finish installation."
Abort: ""
DetailPrint: "Beginning download of latest .NET Framework version."
Invalid command: inetc::get
Error in macro CheckDotNET on macroline 134
Error in script "D:\workspace\Setup.nsi" on line 150 -- aborting creation process

As you can see, the compiler cannot find the inetc::get command. Either put the plugin in NSIS\plugins, or add its location with !addplugindir.