Archive: How to access InstallDirRegKey in NSIS

How to access InstallDirRegKey in NSIS
I can specify installation directory and registry value in NSIS like this:
InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\CTVI" "Install_Dir"

Now I can access InstallDir by using the notation $INSTDIR throughout the script. How do I similarly access InstallDirRegKey? Is there a similar notation as there exists for InstallDir? I tried $INSTDIRREGKEY but that is not. Now what I do is that I type HKLM "Software\CTVI" "Install_Dir" everytime I require it. But that is not so DRY :)

I got an answer here

NSIS will first try to get a previously set installation directory from registry. If it exists, $INSTDIR will be set to the value from registry. If it doesn't exist, $INSTDIR will be set to the default you set with the InstallDir directive.

Yes I understood that from the link I posted. Thanks..