Archive: Display installation path depending on selected section

Display installation path depending on selected section

I have an installer which can install several different softwares. For instance,

Section "Section1"

Section "Section2"

I want to display a different installation directory in the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY page, depending on which section was chosen (I am going to limit just one section at any given time).

Any suggestions?

Just the obvious suggestions. Put the Component page before the Install Location page, use the leave function of the Component page to set $InstallDir.

I see. I am not too familiar with the leave function. How do I use this?

Also, I was wondering how do I know which checkbox was selected?


Set a leave function using MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE (check the readme). Use ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} to check a section is selected (search the forum).


Thanks Stu. That solves my problem.