Archive: Call URL Silently at end of Install

Call URL Silently at end of Install
Is there a way to call a URL silently at the end of installation.

I need to keep a track of my installs and I dont want inform the user, so I like the call to be silent (hidden)

How can I do that in NSIS?

You can use one of the internet plugins at the end of your last section, or in .onInstSuccess.

Note that what you're trying to do will probably not be appreciated by most users. I know I wouldn't. Also, I'm not a lawyer but you're probably required to inform the user about this stuff in your EULA.

Use ShowInstDetails hide and nothing (after this command) will be shown in log window.

Originally posted by T.Slappy
Use ShowInstDetails hide and nothing (after this command) will be shown in log window.
You may mean SetDetailsPrint none, but then inetc does not output anything to the log window anyway.
